Providing semi-independent living (SIL) accommodation for young people aged 16+ who are in care or leaving care and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC).
We are not simply an accommodation provider. We have expanded and integrated our existing services to provide more holistic and comprehensive support to young people who need it most, to aid them in their transition to independent living.
Delivering a wide range of additional services, we ensure users are well equipped with the right tools to succeed supporting their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. These include employability support, financial literacy (including debt avoidance and budgeting), support with medical issues – appointments/registrations, access to in-house fitness/martial arts workshops, group house activities, counselling support, courses and volunteering opportunities.
In our accommodation, we consider the cultural and religious backgrounds of users and have staff on our team who are multilingual to facilitate healthy communication and comfortability of those whom English is not their first language. We make an effort to ensure users are as comfortable as possible without feeling alienated due to their cultural, religious or linguistic differences.
Working closely with local authority social workers helps to best identify the needs of young people and tailor the support necessary for them to thrive and rehabilitate during their time with us.
Our team pride ourselves on taking a very compassionate approach to supporting young people who engage with our services and providing a nurturing and intimate environment to make them feel as comfortable as possible in our homes.
We want to ensure young people want to stay in our homes and therefore highly recommend they visit the home beforehand and personally choose on their own accord; whenever feasible.
All young people are assessed and placed according to their suitability and background history to ensure they are placed into a positive environment, conducive to their mental and emotional wellbeing.